Davidoff is a mainstream German brand of very good quality tobacco
products (principally cigars and cigarettes), manufactured by Imperial Tobacco
following its buying of Reemtsma Zigarettenfabriken. If you want to buy cheap Davidoff cigarettes online,
then hit an online visit to an online cigarette store and purchase them. Get in
touch with an online store now!
The tobacco products are produced under the license of Davidoff and Cie,
founded by Zino Davidoff and based in Geneva, Switzerland. The company also
produces a line of very good quality perfume, coffee, and fashion accessories.
You don't need to be a specialist inside the tobacco industry to
understand the luxurious Davidoff brand – the epitome of value and
exclusiveness. The association, established by Zino Davidoff, manufactures the
finest hand-rolled cigars, premium quality cigarettes, and extravagance pipe
Past of Davidoff Cigarettes
Toward the start of the 1900s, during Zino Davidoff's birth, the members
of the Davidoff family are recognised as real "harmandgis", experts
at choosing, cutting and blending the fine tobaccos of the Orient.
In 1911 the Davidoff family left Russia. Very
little later, Henri Davidoff starts his first tobacco store in Geneva.
1924 - After dropping school, Zino Davidoff commits himself to the
tobacco industry. In the next five years, he hits Argentina, Brazil and Cuba,
where he devotes entirely to learning about the development and tobacco making.
In 1929, Zino Davidoff returned to Geneva, bringing into his father's
store a stogie cellar, the perfect method to store his top-notch cigars under
ideal climatic situations. 1946 - In praise to the renowned Bordeaux wines,
Zino Davidoff produces the extraordinary "Château" line of cigars,
which draws widespread attention.
1970 - The Oettinger Group assumed control over the Geneva venture of
Zino Davidoff. This is the first step towards the development of the Davidoff
name into a world-famous, profoundly prized worldwide brand.
1985 - The successful presentation of Davidoffcigarettes and the first aroma, Davidoff Classic into the business. 1991 - Dr
Ernst Schneider chooses to use tobacco from the Dominican Republic, which at
first causes wonder: aficionados are curious about Dominican tobacco and the
country, as well, is relatively obscure. Dr Ernst Schneider tries a risky
investment when he chooses to use Dominican tobacco instead of Cuban, as
faithful Davidoff customers enjoy what they know and are careful about change.
Yet, the quality was what counts, and the change opens the entryway for success
1994 - Zino Davidoff died, January fourteenth.
2000 - Re-opening of the Flagship Davidoff shop in Manhattan. Some
100,000 of the most exquisite premium cigars are stored in ideal conditions in
the two-story, stroll in the humidor. The inside detail of the 350 m2 shop
combines modern elegance and classical appeal in a harmonious manner.
2001 - Davidoff complements its stogie series
with the Davidoff Millennium Blend series, available in four different formats.
2002 - Worldwide 44 shops convey the name, Davidoff. Exquisite quality
and exuberant extravagance - that is Davidoff.